
For her most recent interview, Nicki Minaj sat down with Ryan Seacrest talking about the beef with her and fellow judge Mariah Carey and how fake the entertainment industry really is.

On Mariah: “Imagine someone that you loved your whole life… Imagine you meeting them and then all of a sudden feeling like you did something horrible to them but you just don’t know what you did,” she told Seacrest. “That’s what my relationship with Mariah is, and that’s what it’s been from the beginning.”

On the Industry: I learned that this industry is so fake,” said Nicki. “You walk away thinking people are your friends and they’re not. It’s a couple nice hi and byes and then really, you better not step on nobody’s toes. And God forbid you get a little shine. And God forbid you’re maybe witty or quick on your toes or make someone laugh. Then maybe you’re making another person feel insecure. And you shouldn’t have to dim your light to let another person shine.”

Check out the Interview below.

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